Monday, July 13, 2009


When was the last time that you and DH/SO had a major fight? What was it about? Did you get things resolved?

Do you feel you have an area of expertise...what is it?

What is something that you are truly good at and other people come to for help?

What's on your mind today? What's frustrating and/or bothering you? What is really stressing you out?

If you could only have one for the rest of your life, which would you choose: Computer or television?

If you were told that you could go into a jewelry store and pick out one thing completely free of charge, what would you choose?

What was the best job you ever had? What made working there the best?

Do you like to receive jewelry as a surprise gift or pick it out yourself?

Have you ever wanted to be a twin?

Dream Man...Austin Powers or James Bond?Hug or Kiss?

Hot or Cold?

Lake or Ocean?

Sugar-free or Caffeine-free?

Pets or No Pets?

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Where are you and how hot does it get on the worse summer day?

Name the last book purchased or borrowed.

What hobby are you interested in but just haven't found the time to pursue it?

How far would you travel to go to a theme park?

Did you ever aspire to become a model?

Do you smoke? If not, have you ever smoked?

If you could go anywhere in the world for a 10-day holiday, where would you love to go?

How often do you change your toothbrush?

If you could interview anyone in the world..who would it be?

Favorite Broadway (or off Broadway) play/musical?

What celebrity would you never marry even if he was the last man on earth?

Have you ever considered hypnotherapy or being hypnotized to stop smoking, lose weight or any other various reason?

Do you think being hypnotized works?

Position you sleep in?

The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?

How often do you check your horoscope?

Who was the last person you bought a present for and what was it?

How many times do you hit the snooze button?

Foot, shoulder or neck massage?

How often do you weigh yourself?

What kind of sunglasses do you have?

What hobby are you interested in but just haven't found the time to pursue it?

If you were to shave your head bald, would your head be perfectly round?

Do you prefer talk radio or talk TV?

Here comes the ice cream truck! What do you want?

A 'perfect' figure for the rest of your life? Or, Perfect Man for the rest of your life?

Faithfully wear your seatbelt?

Sneakers with or without socks?

Do you have a family nickname?

A person you don't particularly like has food stuck between his/her teeth. Do you tell them?

After you die, you are given a chance to be reborn and choose your gender. Would you be the same sex you are now?

Do you collect anything?

Do you like to take walks in the rain?

Do you like puzzles? What kind?

Wash cloth or scrubee in the shower?

What would be your cause if you were First Lady or Miss America?

How often do you check your horoscope?

If there were 25 hours in every day for just you, what would you do with your extra hour?

Do you remember your very first cocktail? How old were you?

Over the roll or under the roll? (as in toilet paper)

Can you swim?

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it? If not, do you still want to do it?

Flowers or fruit basket?

You’re going on a Carribean cruise…who would be your traveling companion?

You won $10k, what are you going to do with it?

Would you or have you ever skinny dipped?

What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do?

What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you?

What is your worst habit?

Wash cloth or scrubee in the shower?

Tap or bottled water?

Do you have a junk drawer? What’s in it?

Chess or checkers?

Would you ever get a tattoo or how about body painting?

What’s on your mousepad?

Have you ever used tanning beds? If yes, do you still use them?

Have you ever had a surprise birthday party thrown for you?

Best birthday present you ever got?

Worst birthday present you ever got?

What did you always want for your birthday but never got?

What has been your most memorable birthday? What was special about that day?

What specific subject do you feel you know better than any other subject?

What subject do you wish you knew more about?

If you could teach any subject, what would it be, and why?

Did you ever have a diary or journal? Do you now? If you do, what sort of thoughts do you write down (without going into explicit details, LOL)?

How tall are you?

If given the choice…Mercedes or BMW?

Is your vision 20/20 or do you require glasses and/or contacts?

Do you prefer hot or cold weather..and why?

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Do you ever hold back some really good/exciting news about youself because you're afraid this news might make your friend(s) jealous?

Each of these are about to crawl on you (one at a time, LOL). On a scale of one to ten - one means you don't mind at all; ten means you are so freaked out you might need a padded cell - how disturbed are you? a) Moth; b) Cockroach; c) Spider; d) Caterpillar; e) Centipede; f) tick

Have you ever had a secret admirer?

Name one thing in life that causes you to feel the most guilt.

Did you ever get caught shoplifting as a child?

Do you get more compliments then you give?

Best present from a man?

What books have you read that you would love to see made into a movie?

What’s something you know now that you wish you’d known when you were younger?

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?

What would be your cause if you were First Lady or Miss America?

Your favorite world leader?

What makes you least happy today?

Which would you rather do: a crossword puzzle, Rubiks cube or Trivial Pursuit?

Do you experience a ‘change of seasons’ where you live..i.e. leaves changing colors?

Does this change in season affect your moods?

What will you miss most about summer?

Where are you and how hot does it get on the worse summer day?

What food reminds you most of Autumn and fits your personality?

What are you planning for Mother’s Day?

Are there any journalists you regard particularly favorably - or unfavorably?

What do you think of Latino portrayals in movies and TV? Are they getting better or worse?

How often do you surf the web aimlessly?

Spring is almost here. What are you looking forward to?

What is your most annoying (to yourself or to others) habit?

I’ve got some keys...take one set…does it open the door to a vactaion home, your new (PAID FOR) house, or new (PAID FOR) car?

How much do you think the public should know about celebrity’s private lives?

Did the Fourth of July mean more to you because of the Sept. 11 attack?

Do cell phones belong in a movie theater?

Brand name of your coffee maker?

When wrapping presents do you try to make them pretty and perfect or are you content to just toss ‘em in a bag and call it done?

Do you buy decorations each year and keep adding to your collection or use the same ones each year?

Do you share a computer with someone in your home or have your own?

Do you keep candy in dishes either around your house or at work?

Do you or have you ever car pooled?

What's your astrological sign?

Did you ride the bus to school as a kid?

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