Monday, July 13, 2009


I just don’t get people’s fascination with ________________________

People are often surprised to find out that I don’t like ______________

I woke up this morning feeling _________________________

I'm buying the car of my dreams, it's going to be a ________________________

I'm driving in my car and I'm headed to ___________________________

I'm stranded on an island with _______________________________

I'm on a jet plane and headed to _____________________________

Today I feel ______________.

I am wearing ________________ today.

I will ___________________ this weekend.

This week was _______________ for me.

_________________is a movie that I'd like to see.

I'm trying to be nice but if one more person tells me about___________ I'm gonna snap!!

If you were a fly on the wall, you would love to be sitting on ________'S wall?

Fill in the blank. I know I'm really awake when ____________.

True confessions time!! (fill in the blank) I've got a confession to make, I __________ .

My favorite part of the day is ________________ because ________________.

I am annoyed when ___________.

I wish I could ___________________ right now.

This year I hope to __________________.

If I had $100, I'd _____________________.

I'm looking forward to ___________________.

I'm feeling _____________ at the moment.

Tomorrow I will ________________________.

___________makes me smile.

I want to see _____________________

I ___________ all the time.

I hear ____________________________________

I will _____________________________ this weekend.

This week was _________________________ for me.

___________________ is a movie I'd like to see.

The last thing I ate or drank was ____________________.

I should be _____________________

Today will be a good day because ___________________

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